Prayer Request
Dear Lord, Thank you for allowing me some time to study tonight and for providing me a way to make a good dinner for my family. I ask that you soften my heart. I have been hurt so much and I know I have shut off in order to protect myself but I know it is hurting my family. My husband wants to reconcile. He says he loves me and wants our family but my wounds are so deep I don't know if I can ever open up my heart to him again. God, please guide me, let me know what you want me to do and I will obey. Just make it clear to me. I ask this in your Heavenly name. Amen.
by Pray 8 people prayed for this
Comments on this Prayer
You in your heart already know. The lord is with you and will help you through
Anonymous | on Apr 28, 2010
Thank you. You are right, I do know. I just think the path is difficult and so painful to walk. I have to trust God will walk me through. | on Apr 29, 2010
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