Prayer Request

Dear Lord, Thank you for this prayer application. It has helped in my moments of desperation and turmoil. When all I feel is the depths of sadness, I can find distraction from my painful woes in others' prayers. Lord you know I am broken. I have my newborn son and my two daughters and a broken marriage. My heart is broken. How can I ever heal again. How can I ever trust again. It feels as if my life has been a total lie. All I hear over and over in my head is my husband telling me he has been having an affair for two years. The images of him with her torment me. And the risk he put me and my baby in when I was carrying him inside of me. How can I forgive such a selfish and wreckless act. Dear Lord Jesus, please bring me healing and peace. Please take the years of rejection I have felt and make me whole again. Help me to stand strong as a mother and set a good example for my children. Show me love again wherever or however you want me to find or experience it. Thank you for my children and please heal their hearts too. They are saddened and feel abandoned. Show them you are here and you are the one and true father. I ask this in you son's name, Jesus Christ. Amen.


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Comments on this Prayer

Please be encouraged. Though u may not understand it now, God allowed you to go through what u went/ r going through. Your testimony will help someone, in fact it has helped me already: I realize my problems aren't the end all be all for me and neither are yours for you. These tests of our faith r just pages in our book of life. There will come a day when we will look back on this and rejoice bcuz we made it through. Please be encouraged sis, you are wonderful.

Antoinette | on Apr 26, 2010

Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I am comforted knowing I am not alone. Thank you. | on Apr 26, 2010

I agree w/ Antoinette. Find comfort n GOD's wrd n positive peps n yur lyfe. Dnt let da devil still yur joy bcuz he is a liar. B strong 4 u n yur children bcuz n da BOOK of JOB, GOD bless'd him w/ so much more than b4. JOB 42:12-7.

SLManning | on Apr 26, 2010

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