Prayer Request

Dear Hevenly Father,
I come to you today for your help, I need you to help my mommy become a Christian and help my grandfather cause he had surgery on both of his eyes and he said, " They sertainly do hurt I will tell you one thing." Also help my grandmother as she is healing from her arm and leg surgery she also said,"They both hurt terribly." So please help them get well also about my mommy I need you God to touch her and tell her she needs to become a Christian and stop being a ****, so please God touch her. Also I need you touch my whole family to heal wiu the meaning of my aunt dieing this year. Also Dear Lord I need you to touch Mrs.Kay Roberts, she goes to my church, she has altumers and she can barly even remember her own husbands name please I beggith you God please touch everyone I mentioned in this prayer I Love You Dear Lord
in Jesus name I pray AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. If anyone reads this prayer, please pray these people that I talk about in this prayer are very important to me God Bless
B Girl

by Bgirl

Pray Pray

18 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Dear Lord please touch these dear family members Lord for their healh to be restored. Most of all for those lost Lord in their sins Lord we pray their hearts be touched by Your Holy Spirit oh please God open their hearts now while theirvis still time. And please comfort this dear sister for Know it's hard to see them walking contray to Your Word open their eyes so they can see in Jesus we pray amen

Anonymous | on Apr 20, 2010

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