Prayer Request

Dear hevenly father,I come to you today so you can pray for my mommy so she can become a Christian,I also ask you to help my cousin on affganastan/In the war. And I also ask to help my cousins wife cause she's hurt with out her husband. I also ask you to help me and my family cause my aunt just died and I am and my family can't get over the fact that it was not her fault that she died it was actialy is was the that she had bloodcloats in her lungs. Please pray every one help me please to understand that It wasn't her fault that she died it was the fact she had bloodcloats in her lungs. Peace On Earth Today Please Pray. Any one who reads this please I'm begging you inside pray as many times you can just please help me understand cause I really don't understand.
God Bless You All
B Girl

by B girl

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