Prayer Request

God I wrote a very deep and long text to my ex this morning. I reached deep in my heart to write that text to tell her how I truly feel about her. She has been the only girlfriend I have ever had in my life. I have no idea what led to her to break up with me or what led to it. I didn't nothing to respect her and I always treated her right. If you could please guide her to at least read it and reply back. I know she is a good woman and that is truly hard in this world. I have did everything to make her see I truly care about her and I don't know anything else to do.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

6 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

May God hear your prayers and soften her heart towards yoh and you get together again before christmas time. God bless you.

marita | on Dec 17, 2014


marita | on Dec 17, 2014

Thank you your prayers mean a lot and I hope we do too

Anonymous | on Dec 17, 2014

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