Prayer Request

God I pray for all those whose who feel alone depressed and lost. I am currently feel this way and I wouldn't wish for anyone else to feel this way. It's a really terrible feeling and a struggle each day to keep moving forward. Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Yes I have felt like this in the past. I used to suffer emotional torment. It is the enemy who is putting negative thoughts into your mind. I just plead the blood of Jesus to cover me and to rebuke the enemy in Jesus name. I found this helped immensely. When you get negative thoughts. just rebuke in Jesus name. God bless! !

Jenny | on Dec 15, 2014

Pray and ask Jesus to take all your worries, your problems, everything. You must have faith and leave it to him to guide your heart. Everytime you have bad thoughts, say "our father..." then "hail Mary..." and repeat until yoyr heart is at peace. Do it all the time, it helped me. May Jesus fill you with love and confidence that the future is brighter than you think. Amen

Anonymous | on Dec 15, 2014

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