Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for everything you have given me and my family. I ask that you help me pass my police agility flawlessly tomorrow and ask that an interal investigation not be upon me father. I ask that you help all the lies and rumors going on about me to stop and help me not get introuble at work. I ask all this in your name Jesus Amen.

I ask anyone who has time to pray for me and my family. I am working as a full time police officer as a reserve until I go to the academy in January. I ask that you pray that I pass my agility test tomorrow and ask that you pray for me not to be in any trouble at work. I also ask that you pray that rumors and lies stop about me and that im not under an investigations. All it takes is a lie or rumor and they will investigate. The evil one is trying to get me introuble and fired. Things have been going bad for me lately and I beg you to pray. I am the sole supporter of my household and pay for everything. My children are sickly and their medications are very expensive if I lose my job ill loose it all. Please pray my wifes new business gets of the ground so we can have additional income. I ask that the Lord blesses those that pray for me and my family and may you find his favour. God bless and thank you!

by dmelo

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