Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,

Thank you for everything you have given my family and I and thank you for blessing us father. Father I ask that you may help my police academy mate and I pass our physical agility previews tomorrow and the actual physical agility next Tuesday. Father as you know I have given up my safe job for this one and am the sole supporter of my household. Please safe me the embarrassment and ridicule from my colleagues and help me to pass. I ask all these things in your name, Amen.

If anyone has any time please pray for me to pass my pat preview and the actual agility next Tuesday. I will loose my house and job if i cant make it. My children are sickly and their medications are very expensive. I am the sole provider of my household and everyone depends on me. I ask those that pray for me and my family find Gods favour and gets blessed. Thabk you and God Bless!


by dmelo

Pray Pray

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God is a winner let him be

Anonymous | on Nov 20, 2014

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