Prayer Request

Heavenly father, help us to break down the walls that we build to protect ourselves. We need to follow in your footsteps and be who you are. You are love!

Help us all to love one another for who they are. We may not like their lifestyles, backgrounds, or how they act, but no matter who they are, we need to love them and pray for them.

We need to become centered in you and not use the "us verses them" mentality. You loved even the most horrendous person because deep down they have a good heart. Help us to see the good in everyone.

Lord I know that we all want to strive to be like you. Show us lord how to be that way and allow us to not care what others think. Our focus needs to be on you and if we allow ourselves to be centered in you, I know that you will work wonders in our lives.

Lord hear my prayer and those that need to pray this prayer help them understand.

In your glorious name I pray, the lord of love and the lord of all, Amen.

by *1boy1girl*

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Finding HIM | on Apr 14, 2010

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