Prayer Request

Please help me receive You. I need you back in my life. Idk what to do. College is so distracting from you but it shouldn't be. Please help me. Thank You.

by mwierb

Pray Pray

5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Oh Heavenly & Gracious Father please help this person to stay focused on You, Your Word and their studies at school in Jesus Name. Please help them with time management skills that would allow them sometime out of there busy schedule to mediate on You and Your Word in Jesus name. Help them to live a life Pleasing, Holy, & Acceptable to You in Jesus Name. Help them to stay set apart (sanctification) from the rest. . Please remove any and all distractions and hindrance that keeps their focus from or off You in Jesus Name. If their is anything not of or like You that is in them please remove it from them in Jesus Name. I pray that they get good grades in Jesus Name. .Lord, please let them repent and re consecrate their lives to You in Jesus name.( ask The Lord to forgive you... And He will forgive you and throw it in the sea of forgetfulness never to remember it again). Teach them Your ways Lord in Jesus Name. Help them to wall in obedience in Jesus Name.I pray this and all things in Jesus Name.
God Bless U

Anonymous | on Sep 01, 2014

Thank you and God Bless you.

mwierb | on Oct 01, 2014

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