Prayer Request

Dear God,
Please help me through this dilemma between Lauren and Rachel. I don't know what I should do. I can't cheat on Rachel with Lauren because that's a terrible sin and also because I would feel the lowest of low. But I've always had this very very strong affection towards Lauren, not just for sex, but to be with her and to just hold her hand whenever I want. It's a feeling I've never had before and just thinking about her makes me want her even more.
But then again, Rachel means so much to me. I can joke around with her so much and she gives me great advice. She is a very smart girl and she's very funny and independent. I can say some weird stuff around her all the time and she automatically knows I'm joking and just tells me that I'm weird, but in a friendly way. It makes me happy.
Lauren and Rachel both make me very happy every time I'm with one of them. Lauren and I have a special bond that I can't see being broken by anyone. Rachel makes me feel like such a funny guy and I don't want that to end. I don't know what to do God. I want Lauren, but I don't want to lose Rachel. Please help me. Please. Thank You.
In Your name I pray, Amen.

by mwierb

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4 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Mind if I say something? You might not agree. Honestly, to avoid all problem, you should just stay friends. Don't hook up, don't cheat, and definitely don't make her a rebound. Take time off to think and pray. Think of it this way too, if you cheat on her, she chose to be with you and she could do the same to you too. Blessings! (Think about it)

Anonymous | on May 29, 2014

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