Prayer Request

If anyone understands this please pray for me.... I'm really angry at myself and God. This anger is affecting everyone around me and my mind and spirit. Today I said I hate God bc I'm so unhappy with my job. I just got it and not sure how to speak up for myself bc I just got it. I can't quit bc I don't have any money saved. I feel trapped and stuck and I need a miracle. I need all your prayers and for I too forgive me and stop pushing God away. But I'm struggling with my faith right now. I am so mad at my whole life right now that I don't see a point in living. I don't know what God wants from me and why I'm here in earth. I have been trying to stay positive but all I can do is think about how bad I have it and how I can't get out right now. I just want a new job. I want my principal and AP to see what they are doing and how cruel they are. To see that how mean and how they are not good people for what they have done to me. How do I voice this where it's not attacking them with my anger. I am feeling hopeless and so in need of Love. I'm lacking Love too. I have not had a relationship in 3 years and I feel so alone. I am so tired of being alone. I am so tired of working my butt off and God doesn't help me. I want someone in HR to give me more money in what I deserve. Whhhhhhhy me?????
All I want is to help kids and stop being pulled away from helping them.

by Glory in the highest!!

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