Prayer Request

My Lord,
Thank you for a wonderful time with my family this past Christmas party and my graduation gathering too! Also, thank you with my time with my sister. Her short time with me has been wonderful. Please protect her going back to her husband in the far away country. I ask you to give her a special kiss or touch or hug that she can embrace so she can know its you. May she see the light on your will on her life.
As for my prayer about Ali, thank you for answering. I know I'm sad that he is physically gone but our emotional and mental connection was long gone before that. I ask now that you give him the opportunities to seek you on his knees while he is away and that he may finally forgive me and come back to me with peace and love. A powerful God love that will reconcile is to do your will. Thanks for all of your power and glory my lord! I love u!!!

by Glory in the highest!!

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