Prayer Request

Father in Heaven I thank you Lord for your blessings in this family for many years of my life and Lord ask that you to send me a good friend so I can have a good relationship with Lisa crews and Lord you bring blessings to us every day when I am at work and I feel the presents of the Lord is calling us forward. And I all ready know that you said that I have a calling on my life to be a preacher one day and minister to other people by our Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth. And Lord I pray that my mother be in good health and eat right and exercise lose 30 lbs. And Lord help my mother to stay in shape my mother is always a candy eater and I know candy is bad for her health but she needs to be on a diet so Lord help her to keep track of her eating habits and Lord help her to stay away from lot of sugar in soda and sodas are bad for her health to and Lord help my sister to get her education in School and Lord bless her when the report cards come out Lord let it be all As (which is outstanding progress). So she can pass to the next grade in middle School in Jesus name we pray Amen.

by markie Angel.

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