Prayer Request

My love . My joy . My peace and my happiness . Father i come to you in the name of jesus christ . I have faith that you backed me up on my descision made today . I dont want to play games with none . Because i want none to play games with me . Im growing father . Being an adult is not only an age requirement but its a maturity requirement as well . Father i love you more than all . Prolonging things will only make it worse . So i cut it off entirely . Trying to focus on you . My family . My first and me . Father please back me up . If i hurt anybody please restore them like you restored me . I love you father . Use me abuse me in a good way . I will share your love . Help me keep my sanity in this world . Help me curve my tongue from using foul language . Rid me of ill thoughts and gossip entirely . Keep me . Take me . Make me . Sheild me . Love me . Teach me . Father never forget me . Back me up . I love u with all my heart . Your daughter ..... DINAH ...... AMEN

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Thank you for your prayer! !!

Anonymous | on Mar 23, 2010

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