Prayer Request
Our heavenly father i praise your holy name . I praise you through my ups and downs . Your with me through my trials and tribulations . Father you are here . The love of my life . The air to my lungs . You are the purpose why im still here on this earth .father iam grateful that your my creator . Your love is ever lasting and so unjudgemental . You know me better than any man or woman . Mother n father . Sister n brother . Your so unhuman . So perfect . So un worldy .i look to you father for guidance . I have gone astray . I have not only dis appointed u but disappointed my self . Father i need your help , forgiveness and that everlasting love and mercy your famous for . Father plz be here for me . Never leave my side or my life . I love you with a passion . No one i mean no one . Nothing at all can ever take your place .as my number1 king . Aman
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