Prayer Request

Jesus I'm trying to be patient, however its hard, when father when will I receive my breakthrough?

by Shirley

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I had the same problem this morning I work with a disabled old man and u didn't have patience but I prayed for god to forgive me and encourage me to have patience...I will pray for u

Anonymous | on Mar 17, 2010

When u give all ur burdens in all areas of ur life to him and learn to put ur precious God all mighty in the true center of ur life. He wants us to believe,trust. And have faith in him first. He did say I delight. Urself in him and then he will give unto u ur hearts desires. Ur faith in him will heal u. We cannot understand his ways, Cuz his ways r much higher than ours. ALL WE GO THROUGH IS NOT TO HARM US, BUT TO STRENGTHEN US. Ask him to help u to persevere. (Wait on him)..when u ask for patience he will give u situations that will give u patience its a hard request. Just ask for perseverance.

foreverloved | on Mar 17, 2010

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