Tonight lord I ask for no blessing or help for myself...I ask that you for starters watch over Chris. He has gone looking for love in all the wrong places and found himself with a underage girl who has broke his heart. Open his eyes to you and help him see that what he needs is your love. Second I need you to bless grace. She has no one. Her way of fixing her lifes pain is to drink and get high every time she gets a check. Show her what's really worth living for. That fun is good but not a way of healing pain. Third I want you to reach into ricks life. He is so miserable and he Dosnt know why. He is in the navy and Dosnt want to suffer anymore. Let him feel your love God. We all have something missing in our life lord. This list could go on all night. Don't condem us to this hell. You made us. You made this planet. Take what's yours and pull us up. I walk this earth every day and meet new people with new problems. I can't fix them like you can but I refuse to stop. These people need me...but they need you more. I can't compare to the light you can bring them. If you give me fire lord...ill burn for you to light up this world one person at a time. Right many sit in his darkness and I rebuke that right now in your name. You are my lord and I shall be your soldier. With that being said the most wonderfull thing I could say is I love you and goodnight.
Bro, I read some of your prayers and see your heart. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. I'm in a similar boat, I want the wife of my youth, but I want only what God has for me. DON'T let anyone discourage you, or water down your zeal for God. Keep running hard, and Keep trusting God. Pray for me man. I'll be prayin for you.
If you wanna talk or have a prayer request or somthin; give me a call or shoot me a text anytime.
765 521 2787
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