Prayer Request

Lord keep me this night. I ask for your forgiveness. You helped me threw boot when I needed you the most and when I came home i turned to sin insted of thanking you for all you've done for me. I just ask that you take control of me this night and show me where to go next. Bless me in finding a job so that I may help myself and my family get on our feet again. Help me find a good church to belong to so that I may praise you often. Lord I know I'm only 20 but I need you now more then ever. Ive never been so lost in my life. In your heavenly name amen.<3

by TJ

Pray Pray

8 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You did the right thing. Coming to God in prayer is the best thing to do after sinning. We are all sinners but the blood of Jesus has the power to wash the sin clean if you repent.

thomas j | on Feb 04, 2010

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