Prayer Request

Father God, today the sun shone so brightly, and the sky was so beautifully blue, yet the ground shook so violently in Chile. My home is safe and secure, yet the homes of those in cHile, shook and fell down. My granddaughter spent the day having fun with her friends and will sleep in her bed tonight, tucked in safe and sweetly sleeping. I thank You Lord for watching over those i love, I thank you for keeping us safe fed and warm, I thank you Lord for your constant love and forgivness for the things i do and for things i neglect to do. Lord i pray you will give your children in Chile shelter from the land that has been shaking. Give them food fresh water clothe them with your peace and love. Give them hope that their future will again be bright. Hold them all in the palm of your hand and grant them peace. In Jesus name ipray amen.

by begabby

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