Prayer Request

Dear God our Father, good morning! Thank you for this beautiful day. The gentle rain thats falling is cleansing the earth like your Love cleanses our soul. I m so thankful for Your love and for all you have done in my life. Father please guide me to a new home church, i so need to hear about you and fellowship with other Christians. Thank you so much for the healing of our Lucie, shes such an important part of our lives, and she gives us such joy, with her silly antics. Be with us all your children, and keep us all safe, and well. Protect all of us from evil doers. Bless and protect our soldiers everywhere fighting for the freedom and saftey of our great country, where we can worship you freely anywhere we desisre, and for those countries that cant. Bless the families of our soldiers that they may have the strength and courage they need to havetill their families are once again united. Father may we always know that You are always in charge of our lives. Bless my family and keep us healthy safe and strong. Bless us with a financial miracle so that we can make the much needed repairs to our home. In Jesus name i pray, amen

by begabby

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