Prayer Request

God! I come to you with very heavy heart, and nerves strung as high as the sky. I was accused of doing something wrong when i didn't even realize i was in the wrong or maby even wasn't wrong at all; God i believe you care for me and you are with me and for through everything, i know i'm one of your children so PLEASE come through for me in my time of need, i believe that verse that says if God is for me who can be against me. So God i put my trust in you tonight and i will act in faith by casting my care on you and leaving it in your hands and not worry about it. I also believe that you can take an evil, such as this, and turn it around for a greater good.

I want to thank you in advance for taking care of me cus i know you'll come through. Amen

P.S. any one out there who's listening i'd really appreciate any prayer towards my situation since first thing in the morning i'll be confronted with this situation. i believe in the pwr of prayer because i know God listens to the prayers of his own; so if you'll pray also to give me insight, reveal things to me that may be beyond me, as well as to give me the words to speak and most of all to handle the situation in the right way, God's way.

by JitW

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