Prayer Request

God, life can be complicated, a lot of the time! I don't want to be stressed out all the time and i want to trust you all the time. I've lived in lack for so long now i need to believe there is more for me.

God give me more then just a hope for future prosperity give me a foot in the door, start me on the journey to something tangible and real, something i can touch and push towards, that i know will take me there.

But i have to be able to be self sufficient at minimum. Living off of other ppl the way i am now is not the way i want my life to be. So even if i can start with that, taking baby steps.

God calm my nerves; i'm so high strung right now that i feel like i'm about to explode give me your grace to push through this temporary pain to get to the life you have in store for me.

I put my faith in you now, when i feel it's harder, and i'm trusting you to bring me to a place of rest. Amen

by JitW

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Thank you Jesus that we know this prayer is answered!

Tracy | on Feb 13, 2010

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