God I wanna thank you for everything you do for me! I thank you For my son who I love so much but God I need you in my life I'm so lost I hate my life I'm so unhappy God I can't take living this life anymore my boyfriend always partyin he could care less bout me. We got into a big fight cause I wanted him home with me he got so mad he pushed me really hard I can't take it anymore help me.
Plz, know u r doing the right thing, keep praying for strength, faith, and guidance. Know that sometimes we go through things in life not understanding y, but God knows y. Ask God to also guide u to his church where u can have spiritual guidance, if u haven't found one. Yet. Hey, just reading u petition to our lord brought me memories. If u need a friend u can email me [email hidden from spammers]. com. God bless.
I was in the same kind of situation with my ex. Please look to God and keep yourself protected. Be safe and know you deserve better
*Faith* | on Feb 16, 2010