Prayer Request

God, I need your help my life fills like its falling apart. I don't know how to be strong anymore like nothing even matters anymore. I wake up every morning feeling like my life not going any where. I help you to help me please I feel so lost.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer


Anonymous | on Feb 12, 2010

You matter To God. You matter to the world. God is molding you to endure this time bc the pieces of your life will come together. When they do you will have to show another how to be strong and endure. That is how God has woven lives together. Look in the mirror..who do you see? That's right... A reflection of God who is in you.

light | on Feb 12, 2010

May the peace of Christ and His eternal Love fill your heart. Lead on God's strength, you are not alone. He will never forsake you. I speak from experience. I have been where you are.

Anonymous | on Feb 12, 2010

Meditate on the 23rd psalm. God is your refuge n strength, his strong arm will protect you in your time of need.

WIP® | on Feb 12, 2010

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