Prayer Request

Dear Heavenly Father,
I want to thank you so much for this beautiful day. Thank you for all the blessing that you have given to us. Lord please be with all of those who use this app and take the time from their busy lives to pray for those who are in need. Lord for all those that are on here praying from their hearts for you to reach out and help them please Lord guide them and protect them. Answer their prayers according to your will and your beautiful timing. Please God be with me and my family. Protect us and rain favor and blessings in our lives. Give us peace and happiness so that we may share it with others in need. Help me to keep fighting my battles that I face daily. You know my needs and I know that you are there to meet them according to your plan. Please be with me at work and help your healing hands work through me that I might be a blessing to my patients. Dear Lord guide me at home so that I will be a good wife and mother that my love will be a testimony and help minister to my children so that we may bless the lives of others and lead them to you. Hosanna for all you are doing. In all of this I ask in your holy name according to your word,

by faithfulmommy

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