Prayer Request

Dear Father,

Thank dear Lord for all the favor and blessings that you have rained down in my life. Please Lord be with my children and husband as they are away from me today. Lord I just want to thank you for this app and a way to pray for those who need your blessings and favor in their life. I don't even know these people and their situations but Lord you know their needs and desires. Please Lord answer those who are in pain and need your help according to your almighty will and plan for them. Help them find comfort and patience in you while the wait for your answer. Dear Lord help me to be a comfort or a blessing in their lives if needed. Guide my every step today and may all that I do be in your favor and in your name. Send angels out to help me in my path and guide me to your favor. I love you and your will be done.


by faithfulmommy

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