Prayer Request

Dear God,
Please bless Bernie through out his life. Please be with him through out his journey. Help him get thru, overcome what ever obstacles he has. When he needs U to, take him by the hand and lead him or even carry him if needs be. Heal him, help him grow, help him do what ever he has to do to face and overcome what ever mental, emotional, spiritual, physical, sexual issues he has. Please grant that he knows what Your will for him is and give him what ever he needs to carry it out. Please grant that his conscious contact with You continues to improve, that he stays on the rite path and that he lives a clean and sober life. Please grant him prosperity and abundance in all areas of his life. Please grant that he gets to experience some happiness, joy, peace, serenity, freedom, laughter, good times, miracles, blessings, love, support, understanding, empathy, companionship, romance, intimacy, sex, inspiration, stimulation, learning, grattitude, appreciation, meaning, fulfillment, belonging, acceptance and community everyday. Please help him with acceptance, forgiveness, and the courage to change. Please give him the wisdom and clarity to know what he can change and what he has to accept. Give him what ever he needs to do it. May You be with him and keep him.
In Jesus' name,

by Thank You

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