Prayer Request

God i pray you will help me move on and find someone one day who is mature and worthy of what i have to give. Someone who isnt afraid of the possibilties and someone who is honest. I pray you will guide me when this person one day walks into my life. I have been so hurt and i pray you wont allow me to be bitter and hardened by recent heartache by someone i trusted completely with my heart. I pray for that person that he sees what he has done and continues to do. I pray you will teach him the things that mean more than earthly pleasures. I hope one day he will finally see the important things in life. I feel sorry for him that he chooses to live his life in things that wont matter in later years. I fear he will be a lonely person God so please be with him and allow him to see with clarity. Thank you for my wonderful friends to help carry me through. In the name of Jesus Amen

by Prayful

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Comments on this Prayer

May Jehovah God hear your prayer and give you your heart desire.

Anonymous | on Jan 25, 2010

I too am going through the same struggle, and I can only say lean on the lord, believe me he is in control of your situation and he will lift u up. You will be in my prayers. God bless u

Lorraine | on Jan 25, 2010

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