Prayer Request

God. I am sitting here worried for the people of Haiti all the while feeling guilty that you blessed me so much in my life. We all take for granted what is given to us and forget to thank you, our Father, for it all. We give into earthy things and forget we cant take those things with us when we die. I hope today we all can treasure the things that matter instead of materialistic things. Imagine what this life could be like if we all just served one another. I pray you will reach out to all our hearts and allow us to overflow your love and grace for one another and do it lovingly. I thank you so much for loving us enough to die on the cross for all our sins. I pray you will forgive me of my sins and continue to lift me up and praise your worthy name in everything I do. I love you and what you do for me and my loved ones. Amen

by Krissy

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

AMEN!!! I really appreciate your prayer. God bless u!

RR | on Jan 14, 2010

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