Prayer Request

Dear Father, You are the begining and the end, the God of peace, the only one who is worthy to be praised. You're praise is continuously in my mouth. I thank you for all of Your forgiveness. I thank You for allowing me begin another day. I thank you for all of my blessings and I thank you for all of the oppurtunities you have given me. Please order my steps so that I can make the best of what I am destined to be. I give all my praise to You. Your timing is impeccable, I thank You for speaking to me in many different ways. You calm my restless soul, and You build me up everytime I'm weary. I want the strength to deal with my problems gracefully without panic. You're perfect love is all that I need. I trust you Lord and will worry no more. In Jesus name I pray, Amen

by thomas j

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