Prayer Request

Dear Lord, please bless my family and help us get through these trying times. My wife and I are seperated and my oldest daughter's grades are slipping. Please restore her with the vigor that she once had to acieve at her previous levels. Please help me walk in your light and be the best that I can be. Please show me my gifts in Christ. Please allow my wife to heal from the troubles that we have been going thru. I know all things are possible through you. god please hear my prayer...amen

by TeeJay

Pray Pray

12 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Sounds like u r overdue for your blessings...on the way

Eld Will | on Dec 07, 2009

Sounds like u r overdue for your blessings...on the way

Eld Will | on Dec 07, 2009

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