Prayer Request

Father, my loan jus got denied. And i say no matter what happens i will still praise you. Lord thank you for every thing you have given me and my wife. Lord thank you for the beautiful blessing. Even though we can't see it. It's a true blessing just having you in our lives. Lord bless me with the patients to get all these bills off my hands. Lord we about to lose our car please give my uncle that trust in me. Lord show him a way to change his mind. Lord no matter the out come, Lord i will praise you. Father thank you for life. Lord bless those in haiti father for they are trying to get things together. Bless those who willing to make sacrafices to help them and give time off from their families. Lord send your angels and give them the courage to live life again. In Jesus name i pray. Amen


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11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

People like u r what help give me faith thank u I'm a follower of u

Anonymous | on Jan 22, 2010

Wow I read this and it just reminds me on how I should give it all to God.

Anonymous | on Jan 22, 2010

Yeah I feel like I'm losing faith can u help

mindfreakbyjesus | on Jan 22, 2010

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