Prayer Request

God I come to you with a heavy load I move in may and nothing is looking up with my financial situation I now have 4 months and a few weeks to go. God I ask that you watch over me god show me the way to better myself, god you know all my needs bless my needs, you know all my down falls bless me to better them, you know my weak areas, bless me to strengthen them. God you know my goals in life I ask that you bless them. God bless the 9 year old boy family who killed himself in school bring them comfort and bless the kids who are going through something to speak out for they do not have to deal with anything along. god I know you never let me down and I know you bless me when you see its time and until then god I'm going to ride this mild storm out because I know you will protect me and my boys. I ask. You this Almighty God in your name, Amen.

by bless and humble

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