Prayer Request

God, help me to find not only peace, but true knowing that there is life after death on this earth. Im so scared of dying, maybe it's that fear in the first place that causes death., i dont know. Help me to communicate with you.... to really take my spiritual growth to the next level. I want to feel it, to know it, whatever it is. Please clear the turmoil in my head. I just want to hear you, and know it's you.
In Jesus's name amen

Also, whoever made this app I thank you. Something about writting down a prayer, and knowing others are out there praying for me. Reading other peoples prayers, too, knowing im not the only one in life with struggles. Also getting to see so many pure, good thoughts in one place is great....thank you, thank you.

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

13 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

We come into this life naked with no pockets and wethere are others waiting tocare for us when we arrive. When one breast is pulled away mother gives us another one. Same as in death we let go and are met with love as we surrender these lives for something greater

Anonymous | on Jan 21, 2010

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