Prayer Request

God I feel like no one loves me....I am so alone here alone and forsaken...I have nothing I am nothing....

by darknessabides

Pray Pray

10 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

I feel the same way sometime but I know god loves me. That's all that matter in the end

mary | on Jan 21, 2010

And if noone but God really does love you, I do

Jaycee | on Jan 21, 2010

I don't know who u r but I can sure that u are not alone god loves u so much and wants u to change your life u need to love and forgive so u can feel good inside . Hate distroys you deeply and doesn't make u a happy person so forgive who has harm u and u will see the difference I will pray for u.

roni | on Jan 24, 2010

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