Prayer Request

Dear god...
Today i woke up happy and depress at the same time..i thank you for everything you ever done for me..i am happy that i am moving out of the shelter and i am going to move in my new apartment...but i am also upset because of my baby daddy god...why he see me so different.why he say the things he say.why he dont even do things to me like he just to what is going on with him..seriously cause i dont really know...sometimes i cry and i ask my self why i even buther with him at all....the love that i want he is not even giving it or showing it but i do....god i am so lost and i dont know what really to do...plz god help me find my self because i feel like i am loosing my self real bad in a big whole and i really dont want to be in that whole god....loving him is the painfull thing that ever me in my life..i never knew that love could hurt that bad..but now i know it does...god help me to find the light and the peace and the love that i want in this empty heart of mine..plz.....thank you again i am happy that i am moving...but the most important thing in my life at this time is my 2 this moment..i hope that everything could change when we move to our new apartment god...
Por el nombre del padre del hijo y del espiritu santo amen....

by bkshorty21

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Comments on this Prayer

True love never hurts. My dear God love you and your kids so much that he give his son to die for you. Now that's love. Hold on to god unchanging hand and he would supply all your need and heal your broken heart.

dee | on Jan 20, 2010

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