Prayer Request

I pray father god that your holy spirit speaks through me as I minister to your children in counseling sessions. Thank you for my job and spiritual gift that serves u alone. Humble my heart and spirit. I love u Jesus Christ. Help me to spend more time in fasting and prayer. Thank u for a glorious day serving u. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

by Hope

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

I love you in Christ sister! And I just want to remind you that you are doing such a wonderful work for our JESUS(: You impacting many lifes for The Glory of GOD! This is your year that GOD is taking you to the next realm level in JESUS Name. I pray that Father GOD will Anoint you with words of knowledge over people, and to also Bless you with 'Discerning of Spirits' in JESUS Glorious Name. And I Thank you Father for allowing me to tell your precious daughter what you wanted me to tell her in JESUS Name, Amen!!!

Othniel | on Jan 19, 2010

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