Prayer Request

I pray father god that I stop living a double life. And live only for u following your will for me only. In Jesus name I pray. Thank u lord. How I love u.

by Hope

Pray Pray

17 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Hope, you are going to do wonderf works for our JESUS! I sense it in the spirit. Don't give up! GOD has heard you and there is help from Heaven already on the way to help you. You begin seeing shafts of flashing lights around you, do not be afraid nor doubt. Those r Angelic Beings assighned to your life. GOD BE WITH YOU! (:

Anonymous | on Jan 19, 2010

Thank u so much for your words of encouragement. It meant a lot to me. I would like to follow you and pray with u for the things u need. U r strong in the spirit too. May god bless u. In Jesus name. Amen

Hope | on Jan 19, 2010

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