Prayer Request

God, thank you for yet another day I got to wake up for. time spent at home is so necessary for me. I'm thankful for my friends and family but God I pray that someday soon, after all these years, I start to believe in myself. its so unhealthy for a girl my age with such wonderful people surrounding her to feel so defeated and have such low self confidence. I know ill never be a perfect 10, but I want to at least have days when I feel like one. I don't need much God but I pray someday I will wake up and actually be able to love the woman I am. I have such good morals, I like to think I have a decent personality and I know that one day I will make one specific guy the happiest man ever.. but I need to start with me and I don't know how to do that.. I'm in my early 20s and still feel like im searching to find me. I thought that is what high school is for? Lord, help me take baby steps in discovering who I am without the help of anyone but You, unless there are poeple out there who You are using to do just that. I love you, although I may be struggling to talk to You or act in Your image.

by megg

Pray Pray

19 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

He is using you...

Keep praying for others...
keep praying for yourself...
and remember Romans 8:28

John 16:33 | on Aug 14, 2011

Continue to seek the Lord. Commune with Him every chance you get. Draw near to Him, and keep your focus on Him, and be in His word and grow in the understanding of His goodness and steadfast love. All other things will come in time, but the peace of God will come as you seek Him. Never tire in this, you will experience His faithfulness to you and the joy that comes from it.

Hector | on Aug 14, 2011

We are continuously discovering who we are. It doesnt stop in high school. As things in our lives change we learn to adapt. Keep god close to you at all times.

forgiven | on Aug 15, 2011

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