Prayer Request

Please father lift me up from all this hatred and anger around me. I want peace back in my life, heart and soul father. I can't take this evil spirit eating away at me day by day no longer. Lord I rebuke this devil that come into my house and I ask that you cover me with your blood to keep me safe. Father I refuse to accept the devil coming in and destroying my family and home. I ask father for your touch so I can still feel the warmth of your love. I'm falling and breaking piece by piece and it's not fare for the other to just take so much from me and nor see that its hurting me. I cry to you father blinded by tears asking for forgiveness of my sins and a hand to be pulled out of this evilness. Lord you are my king and my saviour and no shall ever take u away from me. I love you and I thank you in Jesus Christ name amen

by sweetp

Pray Pray

7 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

You are forgiven and there is no condemnation for ur sends. The Lord knows your heart and he will meet u where you are. Feel the affection he has for u! Love u!

joi everlasting! | on Jan 04, 2010

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