Prayer Request

Dear God, I am absolutely exhausted. My marriage is broken and I dont know how to fix it. My daughter is broken and fights most attempts at helping her. I cant focus at work. My mother is getting exhausted too by trying to "pick up the pieces" around here. My depression is hard to manage, but I feel it is stable. With your help I have already survived one divorce, 10 yrs of being a single mom, the suicide of my father and 11 weeks later then death of my significant other with your guidance. I will do what you ask and go where you lead ... I am just exhausted and need to be led. I am sorry I am not a perfect child. Thank you for all that you do. I am feeling very broken too......Amen

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Let it all go and give it to god and you will be free.

Anonymous | on Jan 04, 2010

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