Prayer Request
I pray for patience, wisdom, love in my heart and home. I pray for a peaceful and understanding marriage. I pray for healing between my husband and I ... that the damage we have caused not cause the end of our marriage. I pray that Matt and I learn how to be partners and stop viewing the other as "the enemy". I pray for the ability to compromise and come to consensus rather than argue. I pray for my beautiful children Lord. I ask that you reveal yourself to them that they can see you and your blessings. I pray for M's emotional and physical health ... that she may understand the importance of dedication, follow through and consistency with school. I pray for her to learn how to handle stress without getting physically ill. Please help her to find peace Lord ... help her to find you. I pray for B's continued growth in body and spirit. I pray that he continue to work hard and feel proud of his accomplishments. I pray that he too learn positive ways of coping with stress. I thank you for allowing me the priveledge, Lord, of being their mother. I ask that I be able to parent M and B in a way which makes you proud, God. Please help this family to grow as a healthy and strong unit. Thank you for the many blessings which we have been granted Lord. Thank you so much for your amazing grace and spirit. May we all continue to know you better. In your son's name I pray ... amen.
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