Prayer Request

Lord, I would like to ask for You to rekindle the love in my husbands heart. Make me into the wife he desires. I love him and even tho he has hurt me and living in destruction, I pray for his salvation and the healing of our marriage. I want to be the only one he wants, sexually, as a companion, or even just to talk to. Make me his best friend. Teach us how to be each others perfect mate. Teach us how to communicate with one another effectively. Lord I know everything is in your timing but Lord I as for a speedy healing and deliverance. Guide us and give us strength. God I also pray for all hurting marriages around the world. Help them turn to You for healing because with you all things are possible. Lord those people who are getting themselves involved with married people help them see the destruction they are doing to not only to families but to themselves as well. Lord teach Your children how to forgive, love, and respect one another. This world is blind. Leading them self into darkness and destruction. I must admit myself I never realized how much this world was in trouble until I start following You. All the killing, lying, homosexuality, adultery, abuse, stealing etc the world, media etc make looks glamorous and admirable with no consequences. Women are despising the role you made them for, men laying back and taking on women roles. And not because they have to but because of laziness and no care. Children raising themselves because one or both of their parents are being so selfish and giving in to their own fleshly desires of addiction, adultery, pride, workacholic, etc. Lord we need You to somehow someway get the attention of your children and open their eyes. Soften their hearts. Lord please help us all. In Jesus name. Amen And Lord another thing, even some of our Christian leaders are leading others to stray. I know its probably because they don't like to see other people hurt but we have our Christian leaders telling people to leave their husband or wives because they committed adultery or leave their child alone because they are addicted to drugs. Where in your word do you say we should condemn, punish, give ultimatums, or turn our backs on our love ones? Your word teach us to forgive, love, help in time of need, be patient and pray. Never return evil for evil but good will overcome evil. Your word teachs us to strive to be more like Jesus. The devil wants us to give up on our love ones because his job is to destroy our families and we willing and unwilling let him because of our lack of knowledge. People read God's word. It's a guide to life. Aren't you tired of being disappointed because of what someone did to you or because you couldn't do something. Maybe its because you aren't turning to God first for His help and guidance. He will never disappoint you and any and everything is possible with Him. In his perfect will and timing, things will work out for the best. God bless you all.

by Eagerly Learning

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amen we should remain faithful just like God was faithful to us on the times we turned our back to Him. I pray healing and restoration to your marriage. May the Lord bless you and your family.

Anonymous | on Jul 29, 2011

Praying in agreement, in Jesus name, amen!

Shekinah™ | on Jul 29, 2011

I pray that the lord will save your marriage and lead you both towards eachother to regain your love. Thank you for that prayer it helped me hope for my marriage it is rocky right now, it urged me to turn to god and turn away from sin.

hopeful mom | on Jul 29, 2011

Amen, what a uplifting prayer! It spoke volumes to me..God bless u!

true love | on Jul 29, 2011

I pray that our pastors and loved ones will rightly divide the word of God. Divorce is not of God. Pray for my wife a she thinks she has scripture supporting her desire to divorce me.

God Sows | on Jul 30, 2011

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