Prayer Request

Deceitfulness of sin
I know what you're thinking, and feel in your heart. But nothing can separate or keep us apart.
There's pleasure right now, It's only a small fee. Enjoy this one chance to truely feel free.
You've already messed up, a sin is a sin. It won't really matter, if you do it again.
There's pleasure in sin, for a season you know. But in the end you will reap, reap what you sow.
A branch may loose fruit, could even seem bare. Discolored or droopy, or shedding a layer.
Cut off from the light, all hope is lost.
Darkness forever, consider the cost.
Confess your sin, turn back around.Gods arms open wide, will always be found.
"But encourage one another daily, as long as it is still called today, so that none of you may be hardened by sins deceitfulness". (Hebrews 3:13)

Continually Consumed W/Christ
Brandon E. Hughes
[email hidden from spammers]

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