Prayer Request

My struggle

Do my choices make me what I am? Victorious or not, am I in my Fathers hand? Do all things work togather for good? What if I do what I shouldn't? Or don't what I should?
Am I less of a man?
Do my choices make me what I am? Or am I a vessel in the potters hand? Does He have a purpose for the sin I choose? Can I hinder His plan and therefore lose?
I don't understand why I do what I do. I'm only dirt in His hands, He must not be through. Perfect and Holy doesn't describe me. The day I am judged, what will He see? The choices i've made, or His Son on a tree?

Continually Consumed W/Christ
Brandon E. Hughes

by Consumed

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5 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

Amazing! Sounds to me you know some of the answers to some of your questions if not all of them. But it is beautiful and amazing that you talk to God of all your troubles. Sit still so that you may hear his answers. God Bless you and may you make the right Choices. I will pray for you.

Cindle | on Dec 28, 2009

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