Prayer Request

Hello fellow Christians...lately I've feel like I'm going crazy ..losing my mind...I know what I think is not true ...I think its spiritual warefare..and I have anxiety and always get chest pain...scary place to be..please pray so my mind wont feel clouded..if anyone wanna talk about it please do..I'm 19 and I started to feel like this once I wanted to be a follower and not just a believer my names richard...thanks God bless ..

by Anonymous

Pray Pray

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Comments on this Prayer

Ask God to release those anxiety and fear feelings, those are from Satan! He will attack u but God will deliver u

Anonymous | on Apr 22, 2011

Once you truly start doing the will of God. You will get all sorts of resistance from the enemy. I pray the Lord gives you strength to keep moving forward in His will.

Anonymous | on Apr 22, 2011

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