Prayer Request

It's me again lord, I wanted to say thank husband ended up staying to work that temp job. Our land lord came to the door and I explained all that was going on and how my husband was at work and how glad we were about that. he then said he wants us to meet with him @ 8:30 in the morning to discuss what's gonna it doesn't sound good... Lord I don't understand we were late last month and got caught up paid all we owed.and as of today we r only 1 day late.. So why is this an issue? Especially if we have an income temporary or not? I don't understand..he said we would be asked to leave quietly if no work was found..lord... Why are people this way? Please pray for us and don't let him kick us out.we have no where to go.. We r so stressed and so on edge because we are so worried. Please help us to have patience and be strong.. Thank you lord amen

by ~~3l![email hidden from spammers]~~

Pray Pray

11 people prayed for this

Comments on this Prayer

God is great He will do something, don't be stressed

toon | on Oct 06, 2010

God has the final say you stand strong in his word...Gods got u

Brandon | on Oct 06, 2010

This too shall come to pass,its already worked out,God's got it,no need to worry no more! !

Quanna | on Oct 07, 2010

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