Prayer Request

Lord God, I adore you. Your Providence and Sovereignty are high above me. I cannot comprehend your plan. God, in your word this morning you told me that you remember my frame and you know my struggles. Right now your providential Sovereignty has me walking through valleys too deep to climb. My hope is in the Lord. Not in my ability to negotiate, or in my ability to work harder, or even in my ability to pray. My hope is in you, the Holy One to whom I pray. I am running to you today for you are my tower of refuge. You are my high tower.

Lord God, in your word you say the poor man cries out and the Lord hears him and delivers him from all his fears. Lord God, I am that poor man. Hear me and deliver.

God be with and protect my family in this delicate time. There are so many changes. So many struggles. So many ways in which we could be pulled apart if our eyes are not fixed on you. Help me be the husband and father you created me to be.

I love you God. Forgive me in Christ. Amen.

by eric h

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