Prayer Request

God as I prepare for bed and I read the postings on this site I have to remember that Youre a good God and Youve been good to me. Sometimes Im ungrateful and Im not happy with my life but Lord theres so much more I have to deal with. Life hasnt been easy but each and day You make me stronger and I thank you. I love you. I honor you. I know that things could be worse. I pray for everyone who posts and reads this site. Im believing that as we come together to pray Youre gonna change lives, heal hearts, mind families, and bring your children home. I know that you watch over everyone here and I just ask that you grant each person the desires of their heart if its in line with Your word. Provide peace, shelter, balance, love, and whatever is needed to fill the gap. I believing in You for an overflow of blessings. Thank you in your child

by ChildofGod

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